All posts by editor
4th May: Multiscale EU kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting of the Jean Monnet Teacher Training project Multiscale EU will take place on May 4th, both in Novedrate and online in order to reach out to all associate partners in the EU.
The meeting will last the whole day but its schedule will allow for specific meeting slots with single partners who are just involved in the implementation of single activities.
For more information please write to the project coordinator:
29 March 2022: sovereigny, collapse, democracy
29 March 2022, h. 21.00: Gli Spaesati in dialogue with Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, Vincent Mignerot and Bernard Barthalay. Open-access online webinar upon individual registration, please write to
Second meeting of the series Hints of a thaw: how fertile is the land below? open to all citizens who feel the need to reflect and discuss together about today collective issues. Working language: French. Interventions and questions in other languages will be translated into French to allow spakers to understand them.
2020-22: What’s changed, What’s to change
2 March 2022, h. 21.00: Gli Spaesati in dialogue with prof. Ulrike Guerot (UniBonn) and prof. Fabio Vighi (UniCardiff). Open-access online webinar upon individual registration, please write at
First meeting of the series Hints of a thaw: how fertile is the land below? open to all citizens who feel the need to reflect and discuss together about today collective issues.