Category Archives: Senza categoria

International conference “La Francophonie dans toutes ses perspectives”

On March, 20th 2024 a second edition of the international Conference organized by Marilena Genovese, with the support of Francesco Pigozzo and our Research Centre and the “Excellence in Linguistic Training” Centre at eCampus University, took place online. Below you can find the conference schedule and its whole video recording (each participant approved its publication by written message sent to Dr. Genovese).

ID PLUS – final dissemination events about the didactic experimentation results

On 31 March, the small-scale cooperation project (Erasmus+) Cittadinanza multiscalare e identità dinamiche/Citoyenneté à plusieurs échelles et identités dynamiques officially ends, through whose work programme primary and secondary schools/Collège of Parabiago, La Colle-sur-Loup and Milan have carried out a structured experimentation of some didactic activities qualifying the Civic Education curriculum elaborated by Francesco Pigozzo and Daniela Martinelli in the perspective of their research for a critical “multiscale” pedagogy of citizenship.

Today, 19 March 2024, at 5 p.m., the Research Centre will hold a videoconference to disseminate the project results open to teachers from schools in the European Union (participants from Greece, France, Portugal, Poland, Spain have registered). To get the access link, simply write to

Thursday 21 March 2024 will be the turn of the project’s lead institute, the ICS Viale Legnano in Parabiago, as per the poster published here. To obtain the access link, simply fill in the form by clicking on the link in the poster itself.

Both initiatives are open to all interested persons.

Multiscale EU: 2024 Summer Training scholarship winners

We publish here the list of the first 30 selected scholarship recipients for the 2024 summer edition of the Multiscale EU training initiative for teachers from any EU country (an activity of the Multiscale EU Jean Monnet Teacher Training project co-funded by the EU). Please read here for all details about the Training School editions and the related call for application.

2024 Summer edition scholarship winners, as listed below in alphabetical order (by name and surname), have already been notified by email and had to officially confirm their participation by Monday, 29th January 2024. We are now checking all confirmations received. In the event of vacating scholarships, we will reassign them follwing the applicants’ ranking and we will publish the updated recipients’ list on this website.

Anastasia Sourlantzi

Anastasia Zirziri

Andreas Lolis

Andreia-Maria Demeter

Antonia Nikou

Athanasia Balomenou

Chris Hatziconstantis

Chrysanthi Tziortzioti

Costel Neicu

Daniela Spiru

Daniela Dinculescu

Elena Dougia

Elissavet Kalemou

Helen Michalatou

Kiriaki Dimiza

Kyriaki Iliadou

Maria  Machika

Maria Dalamitrou

Maria Efthymiou

Maria Emmanouilidou

Maria Grammatikopoulou

Maria Madureira

Maria Nomikou

Matina Venetiadou

Nektarios Farasopoulos

Panagiota Kountouritou

Paula Correia

Sofia Christidou

Theodora Toli

Vaia Manoli

Vasso Moschouri 

Policy Brief. Civic education and teacher training: a building site to keep open

We have published here our paper (in Italian) on educational policies regarding Civic Education in the Italian school system, edited by Daniela Martinelli and Francesco Pigozzo. The paper is part of the activities envisaged by the Multiscale EU project and is part of the debate following the experimental implementation phase of Law 92/2019 by which Civic Education became a “subject” of the curriculum of schools of all levels. A public presentation of the policy brief will be organised in Rome.

Multiscale EU_Open Online training for the EEA

We offer teachers from all school levels (ISCED from 1 to 4 in particular) a free experimental programme that provides them with training and practicl tools aimed at developing their own citizenship skills and their ability to enhance them in their didactic activity and educational context.

The next general presentation of these initiatives, that we called “Multiscale CIVIC EDUCATION FOR THE EUROPEAN EDUCATION AREA”, will take place in the form of an Open Online Webinar we will repeat on 12 December 2023 and 16 January 2024 – both at 4pm Central European Time. More information in the leaflet below.

2023 Winter School scholarship winners update

Following the first round of selection, we did not receive a confirmation of participation from 4 out of the 30 selected applicants whose list is published here.

As a consequence, we have to reassign the four vacating scholarships to the following applicants, ranking from 31st to 34th in the selection procedure:





Newly selected applicants have to confirm their participation within wednesday, 1st November 2023. 

Further update (30 October 2023), after we received all answers from the 4 applicants listed above: 1 scholarhip had to be assigned to the next ranked applicant, who is


31st October 2023: the vacating scholarhip has still to be assigned, the next ranked applicant (who has to confirm) is


7-9 July Multiscale EU Summer School in Novedrate!

From Thursday to Sunday (7-9 July 2023) the Multiscale EU Summer School for teachers will take place in Novedrate eCampus seat, with selected participants from all school levels and 6 different EU countries: Portugal, Romania, Poland, Italy, Spain, France.

Prof. Ulrike Guerot, Director of the European Democracy Lab, will intervene online on Sunday afternoon, to discuss with Multiscale EU project coordinators Francesco Pigozzo and Daniela Martinelli, and with participants, about the current stage of Europeans’ Unity construction.