We offered hundreds of schools and thousands of teachers free-of-charge training activities, co-designed didactic experimentations, direct classroom interventions on all the contents and methodological approaches we develop through our Action Research aimed at developing a “multiscale critical” approach to citizenship education for the European Education Area. We reached out to schools in more than 50 Italian towns and several schools in France, Romania, Greece, Portugal, Germany and Poland. Read here the training initiatives dedicated to Italian schools on the Ministerial platform SOFIA.

  • In-presence trans-national intensive training courses for in-service teachers from any EU country at ISCED level 1 to 4.

Novedrate (Italy), 7-9 July 2023.

Novedrate (Italy), 8-10 December 2023.

  • Classroom and community experimentations
  • We directly realized hundreds of hours of didactic experimentation and fostered hundreds of teachers to experiment by themselves in their classrooms. Many of our initiatives involved also the larger educational community around a class, a school institution, a group of trained teachers. We reached out to more than 5300 direct participants, in more than 50 different towns in 6 EU countries. Further dissemination events reached out to more than 171.000 direct contacts.
  • A special series of dissemination events, called “Europe: what a Passion!” specifically involved an audience of around 600 participants, in 7 events that featured one of the original theatrical pieces by Martinelli & Pigozzo (Gli Spaesati).
  • Two initiatives invented during the project lifetime have become permanent inside the Research Centre activities: a thourough experimentation for the lower secondary curriculum in an outdoor homeschooling context near Florence (“Educazione nel Bosco”) and the “Un mondo di intrecci” read aloud group in Italian.